How many artistic swimming events are there at the Olympics?
The Olympics include two artistic swimming medal events: a team competition and a duet competition.
The team competition features teams of eight athletes per nation (including, for the first time in 2024, up to two men per team). The duet competition features two women per nation.
How is the duet competition structured?
The duet competition is comprised of two routines: the duet technical routine and the duet free routine.
The duet technical routine requires pairs of swimmers to perform five required technical elements along with two free hybrid elements and one acrobatic element.
The duet free routine demands seven free hybrid elements and two acrobatic elements.
Final rankings are determined by adding the scores from the technical routine and free routine for each country.
How is the team competition structured?
The team competition is comprised of three routines: the team technical routine, the duet free routine, and the team acrobatic routine.
The team technical routine requires teams to perform five required technical elements along with three free hybrid elements and one acrobatic element.
The team free routine demands seven free hybrid elements and four acrobatic elements.
Final rankings are determined by adding the scores from all three routines for each country.