What is the format for Olympic beach volleyball?
All Olympic beach volleyball matches are best two-out-of-three sets. The first two sets are played to 21 points by rally scoring. The third set, if necessary, is played to 15 points. In each set, a team must win by at least a two-point margin; there is no ceiling, so play continues until one team goes ahead by two points, thus winning the game.
What is rally scoring in Olympic beach volleyball?
Prior to the 2004 Athens Games, only the serving team could record a point. Now, both teams are able to earn a point, no matter who served. In line with past rules, whichever team wins a point will serve to start the next one. This system, known as "rally scoring," makes a game go much faster.
How do you score points in Olympic beach volleyball?
Every time the ball hits the ground, or a team fails to return it, play is stopped and a point is awarded to the team who did not fail to put the ball back in play. Points are most often scored by a hard, un-returnable spike, or by a block that deflects a spike back into the attacking player's side of the court. Typically, a point ends when: the ball touches the court, the ball is hit out of bounds, a team makes more than three contacts with the ball, a player touches the ball twice consecutively (except in the case of a block), or a player touches the net.
How many times can a player hit the ball in Olympic beach volleyball?
A player is not allowed to make contact with the ball two consecutive times, unless he/she blocks the ball at the net; if a block occurs, the blocker may hit the ball again after his/her attempted block. Each team is allowed a maximum of three hits to return the ball to the opponent's side of the court. Each time a player touches the ball it counts as one contact for the team.
Can players use their feet in Olympic beach volleyball?
Players can make contact with the ball using any part of their body, except on the serve, which must be hit with only the hand.
Are players allowed to reach over the net in Olympic beach volleyball?
While blocking, a player may touch the ball beyond the net, as long as the player does not interfere with the opponent's play before or during the attack. A player is allowed to place his or her hands beyond the net after an attack as long as the contact was made within his/her team's playing space. As long as only three hits are used and an opponent has not touched the ball, a player may contact a ball that has crossed below the net in order to hit it to a teammate. A player may contact a ball that has crossed the net completely outside the posts in order to direct the ball to a teammate, as long as only three hits are used and an opponent has not touched the ball. Players may cross the centerline below the net or outside the poles as long as he or she does not interfere with the opponent's play. A fault is called if there is interference, or if a player or a player's clothing touches any part of the net. However, it is not a fault if the net touches a player as a result of the ball being driven into the net. Once a player has contacted the ball, the player may touch the posts, ropes or any other object outside the total length of the net, as long as this contact does not interfere with play.
How does serving work in Olympic beach volleyball?
A coin toss is used to determine which team will begin serving in the first set of a match. The winners of the coin toss choose: a) either to serve or receive, or b) on which side of the court they want to start. The losers make the remaining choice. For the second set, the loser of the coin toss chooses 'a' or 'b.' For the third set, a new coin toss is conducted. Immediately after the initial coin toss, each team submits a serving order that lists the rotation the two players will follow for the duration of the match.
If the serving team wins a rally, the same player serves again. If the returning team wins the rally, it gains the serve, and the server for the next point is whichever player had not been the server when his/her team was last serving.
When serving, a player may move freely behind the end line of the court. During the delivery of the serve, the player's foot cannot cross the end line on the ground until he or she has made contact with the ball. The server must make contact with the ball within five seconds of the first referee signaling the serve. The server can only contact the ball with one hand, or any part of the arm, but may hold the ball with both hands before starting the serving motion.
When do players switch sides in Olympic beach volleyball?
Teams change sides of the court at every multiple of seven points in sets 1 and 2, and every five points in set 3 until the match is over. This is done in order to equalize the effect of the sun and wind on the outcome of the game.
Are there timeouts in Olympic beach volleyball?
Each team is allowed to call one, 30-second time out in each set. Players may request a time-out when the ball is out of play and before the whistle is blown to signal a serve. In sets 1 and 2, a 30-second Technical Timeout is called when the sum of the points scored by both teams reaches 21.
Is a beach volleyball court smaller than an indoor volleyball court?
A beach volleyball court is smaller than an indoor volleyball court, but not by much.
A beach volleyball court measures 16m (52 feet, 6 inches) in length and 8m (26 feet, 3 inches) in width, while an indoor court measures 18m (59 feet, 1 inch) in length and 9m (29 feet, 6 inches) in width.