Despite being young, Logan Edra "B-girl Logistx" is no stranger to dominating on the professional breaking stage. Having already won three titles and a trophy case full of medals, Edra has made a career of impressing those who overlook her for being a woman or for being smaller than her competitors. This summer, Edra will look to win the first ever Olympic medal in breaking, taking an art form that has helped her through the toughest moments in her life and showcasing it on the world's biggest stage.

Learn more about Edra as she prepares to make her Olympic debut this summer.

Athlete bio:

How tall is Logan Edra?

Logan Edra is 5-foot-1.

How old is Logan Edra?

Logan Edra is 21 years old and was born on May 8, 2003.

Where is Logan Edra from?

Logan Edra grew up in Chula Vista, California. Around the pandemic she moved to South Florida, where she now operates a dance studio.

Who is Logan Edra’s family?

Logan Edra’s father is Herren Edra. Herren was primarily responsible for raising Edra in Southern California and was the one who pushed her to try out breaking, fueled by his own passion for the sport. Her mother was absent for much of Edra’s childhood, but Edra moved to live with her mother in Florida around the pandemic.

When did Logan Edra start breaking?

Logan Edra started breaking when she was seven years old after her father tricked her into taking a class. Edra had a background in more traditional forms of dancing, but found that the activity was becoming too expensive. When Edra told her father that she was scared to try a hip-hop class, he told her they were going to an art class, and instead surprised her with her first breaking class. She quickly became hooked, inspired by her B-girl teacher and the feeling of bliss that hip-hop brought her. Hip-hop classes quickly turned to breaking classes, and her career continued from there.

What are some fun facts about Logan Edra?

  • Logan Edra was given the B-girl name Logistx by her father, who noticed that she needed to have a logistical plan for anything that she did. With a little spelling tweak to make the name cooler, Logistx was born.
  • Edra has been open about her struggles with mental health, particularly her struggles as a teenager. She is a fierce advocate for mental health and gender equality, and feels connected to breaking through her work since the genre was born out of struggle.
  • Logan Edra has a diverse athletic background. On top of playing soccer and tennis when she was young, Edra spent five years training as a gymnast, which her father hoped would improve her strength and power as a dancer.

Career highlights:

How many titles does Logan Edra have?

Logan Edra has exploded onto the breaking scene, winning a score of titles as just 21 years old. Her first title came in 2018 when she won the 2018 Silverback Open Championships, which she followed up with a 2020 victory at the Junior Breaking 7ToSmoke Radikal Forze Jam. Her biggest success came the following year in 2021, when she won the Red Bull BC One championship, bringing her total career titles to three.

What medals has Logan Edra won?

Logan Edra has a number of medals to go along with her three career titles. She has a trio of silver medals: in 2022, she placed second at both the Red Bull BC One competition and the Breaking for Gold Challenge Series, and in 2023, finished runner-up in the Breaking for Gold World Series. She also has three bronze medals from the 2019 World Urban Games, the 2023 Pan American Championships and the 2024 Olympic Qualifier Series in Shanghai, China.

What club does Logan Edra represent?

Logan Edra competes with several clubs, including Underground Flow, BreakinMIA and the Red Bull BC One All Stars.

Has Logan Edra qualified for the Paris Olympics?

Logan Edra qualified for the 2024 Paris Olympics after a dominant showing in the Olympic Qualifier Series this year.

Team USA

Learn more about the other breakers who will be representing Team USA in Paris this summer.