Aid: In riding, the use of hands, legs, voice or body weight to prompt a horse
Bit: In riding, a metal mouthpiece attached to the reigns. When restrained, a horse is "on the bit."
Bore: In shooting, the diameter of a gun barrel
Bout: In fencing, a contest in its entirety
Bullseye: In shooting, the center ring of the target
Canter: In riding, a gait that resembles but is slower than a full gallop, when three legs are simultaneously off the ground. Canters include (from shortest strides to longest): collected canter, working canter, medium canter and extended canter.
Combination: In riding, a series of jumps separated by only one or two strides
Compound: In fencing, an attack or counterattack involving several moves
Corps-a-corps: In fencing, when both competitors' weapons are disabled by an engaging position
Counter-parry: In fencing, a defensive maneuver in which one competitor goes around the other's blade to move it away
Counter-riposte: In fencing, a counterattack by a competitor who just blocked an opponent's counterattack
Cross-country: In running, a race through mostly rough terrain, as opposed to a flat track
Disobedience: In riding, a horse's refusal that results in a penalty
Double Hit: In epee fencing, hits by each fencer occurring within .04 of a second, canceling each other out
En garde: In fencing, the French term for "on guard," a pre-bout position
Fault: In riding, a scoring unit for penalizing errors
Feint: In fencing, a decoy attack that precedes a real one
Fleche: In fencing, a running attack
Gait: In riding, a horse's characteristic motion. Gaits include: walk, trot, canter and gallop.
Gallop: In riding, the fastest gait of a horse. A run.
Gauge: In shooting, the internal diameter of a gun bore
Kick: In swimming or running, a burst of speed saved for the final stretch of a race
Lath: In riding, the boundary of a water jump
Lunge: In fencing, the basic attack in which a competitor moves forward with the front leg while the back remains straight and stationary
Parry: In fencing, a block of the opponent's blade
Pass: In fencing, a thrust or lunge
Penalty point: In riding, a point assessed for an error
Piste: In fencing, the French term for the bout's playing surface. Also called the strip.
Redouble: In fencing, to attack a second time after an opponent's failed counterattack
Refusal: In riding, when a horse stops short of an obstacle, incurring a penalty
Remise: In fencing, an attack that follows a blocked attempt
Resistance: In riding, a horse's refusal to continue, rearing, stepping back or making a half-turn
Riposte: In fencing, a counterattack by a fencer who just has blocked an attack
Run-out: In riding, a horse's attempt to avoid an obstacle
Sighters: In shooting, practice shots to adjust sights. They occur before matches and do not count toward the final score.
Touch: In fencing, a hit with the point of the epee, winning the bout
Trot: In riding, a gait in which the horse moves its diagonal legs at the same pace. Types of trots include (from shortest strides to longest strides): collected trot, working trot, medium trot and extended trot.
Walk: In riding, a marching pace. Types of walks include (from shortest strides to longest strides): collected walk, medium walk and extended walk. A free walk has a relaxed pace and the horse has complete freedom to lower and stretch his head and neck.