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The Opening Ceremony

What do you want to see at the 2024 Opening Ceremony in Paris? Or, maybe more importantly, who do you want to see?

With the exception of the historic location and a few hosts, namely Scott Hanson of NFL RedZone and Gold Zone, the true magnitude of the 2024 Opening Ceremony has remained a tightly-kept secret for months. Finally, the day has arrived, and SNL cast member Bowen Yang and actor Matt Rogers are chock-full of predictions on the latest episode of Two Guys, Five Rings: An NBC Olympic podcast, entitled "The Opening Ceremony."

"I think I want to see Gaga singing La Vie en Rose," Bowen hoped. 

The co-hosts of pop-culture podcast La Culturistas made a similar prediction back in episode one.

"It's going to be a parade of boats that are going to start the ceremony, sailing down the River Seine, allowing about three hundred thousand spectators to attend the celebration," Rogers said. "So clearly, they watched Lady Gaga at the Venice Film Festival, and I think that that's where they got the idea for this.

Hear all of that and more on the latest episode of Two Guys, Five Rings.

Episodes of Two Guys, Five Rings release periodically in the lead-up to the Olympics and through the conclusion of the Games.

Follow the show on on the iHeart App, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music or your favorite podcast platform. 

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