U.S. silver medalist Sam Kendricks joined NBCOlympics.com for an exclusive interview following his clutch performance in the men's pole vault final. He had quite a few memorable sound bites, so we thought we'd share a few of the best ones with you.

On his doppelganger:

I’ve been accused of talking like Matthew McConaughey one too many times a day. I think he talks like me.

On his trusted friend:

Graham, my old pole. All my great poles are well named.

On the tension during the pole vault final:

It's like a Scorsese movie every freaking jump.

To a young intern:

Have you ever seen Freddie Mercury perform?

On cutting his hand and trying not to get blood on his uniform:

You ever seen Remember the Titans?

On his first Olympics in 2016:

In Rio it rained. They ran out of beer in the stadium. It didn't quite feel like what I thought I wanted to feel like.

On the allure of track and field:

It's intoxicating, because everybody gives you permission to forget about everything else, like your credit card bills or a relationship that's not going so well.

On being named Sam (while talking to Sam):

I'll be Android 1.0, you can be Android 2.0. We’re all made in a factory.

On his son (who is named Alistair):

My boy's name is Hoot. ... Like a little hoot owl.