Freeski Slopestyle
2m 43s
Winter Olympics 101: Basics of Freeski Slopestyle

Heavy snowfall and poor visibility postponed Sunday's qualifying round in women's freeski slopestyle, triggering a cascade of adjustments to the discipline's schedule.

Originally set to begin at 9 p.m. ET Saturday, the women's qualifying event was first delayed to 11 p.m. ET Saturday. About an hour later, officials made the call to postpone for the day, and subsequently updated start times for the other slopestyle events.

The following changes were made. Essentially, all four events' start times were moved forward 24 hours.

  • Women's Slopestyle Qualifying

    Sun 2/13 10a (Sat 2/12 9pET) →

    Mon 2/14 10a (Sun 2/13 9pET)
  • Women's Slopestyle Final

    Mon 2/14 9:30a (Sun 2/13 8:30pET) →

    Tue 2/15 9:30a (Mon 2/14 8:30pET)
  • Men's Slopestyle Qualifying

    Mon 2/14 12:30p (Sun 2/13 11:30pET) →

    Tue 2/15 12:30p (Mon 2/14 11:30pET)
  • Men's Slopestyle Final

    Tue 2/15 9:30a (Mon 2/14 8:30pET) →

    Wed 2/16 9:30a (Tue 2/15 8:30pET)

Big air gold medalist Eileen Gu of China is looking to add a second title at the 2022 Winter Games in slopestyle, with halfpipe still to come.

The four Americans competing in slopestyle are Maggie Voisin, Darian Stevens, Marin Hamill and Caroline Claire.

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