Advance: To move forward on the piste
Allez: The French word for "go." This is the command for fencers to begin fencing.
Attack: A movement or series of movements by which a fencer tries to score a point against his opponent
Balestra: A short jump toward the opponent, often combined with a lunge or fleche
Beat: A sharp tap on the opponent's blade to initiate attack or threat of attack
Blade: The steel part of the weapon extending from the guard
Bout: Combat between two fencers in competition. When score is not kept, friendly combat between two fencers is referred to as an assault.
Counter-parry: A defensive movement by which the fencer goes around the opponent's blade and moves the opponent's blade away
Counter-riposte: Offensive action made by a fencer who has parried a riposte
Disengagement: A break of contact between fencers' blades made by passing the blade under the opponent's
Engagement: Contact of the weapon blades
En garde: The position taken before a bout begins or after a break in action
Feint: A false attack intended to get a reaction from the opposing fencer which will open the competitor up to a genuine attack
FIE: The acronym for fencing's international governing body (Federation Internationale d'Escrime, in French)
Fleche: A short running attack toward the opponent
Guard: A part of the weapon between the blade and handle which protects the hand
In-line position: A specific position in which the fencer's sword arm is kept straight and the point of the weapon continually threatens the opponent's valid target
Lunge: A common fencing attack in which a competitor advances on the opponent by moving a front leg forward, while the back leg remains stationary and straightens out
Match: The aggregate of the bouts fought between the fencers of two different teams is called a match. (Note: In French, the word for this is "rencontre," which means "encounter." The French use the word "match" as "bout" is used in English.)
Parry: A defensive action in which a fencer blocks the opponent's blade
Piste: The French term for the field of play on which bouts are contested. Also called the "strip," it is made of metallic mesh and measures 14 meters long (46 feet) by 1.5 meters wide (4 feet, 10 inches).
Pret: The French word for "Ready," precedes "Allez" as the command to fence
Recover: To return to the en garde position following a lunge
Redoublement: A new action made against an opponent who has parried without a riposte or who has merely avoided the first action by retreating or dodging
Remise: Attacking again immediately after the opponent parries an initial attack
Riposte: A defender's counterattack after parrying
Reprise: Recovery into the en garde position followed by an attack
Thrust: The quick extension of the sword blade without foot movement
USFA: United States Fencing Association, the official governing body for amateur fencing activities in the United States, recognized by the FIE and the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC).